

Express Detail

Exterior hand washed and dried

Door jambs cleaned

Wheels & tires cleaned, degreased and dressed

Interior vacuumed, dash and interior vinyl cleaned

Rubber floor mats washed (if present)

Windows cleaned

Sedan & small SUV- $150
Large SUV- $200

Full Detail

All services in the express detail

Cleaning of the engine

Clay wax & polish exterior painted surfaces

Exterior vinyl & rubber cleaned and protected

Interior vacuumed, dash and interior and interior vinyl cleaned

Upholstery/leather cleaned and deodorized

Sedan & small SUV- $250
Large SUV- $300

Interior Detail

All services in the express detail

Cleaning of the engine

Clay,wax & polish exterior painted surfaces

Exterior vinyl & rubber cleaned and protected

Interior vacuumed, dash and interior and interior vinyl cleaned

Upholstery/ leather cleaned and deodorized

Sedan & small SUV- $165
Large SUV- $230